Man Rescues Trapped Hummingbird
June 30, 2015 #nature
By Liz Owen
Hummingbirds are delicate creatures that always seem to capture our attention given their fairy-like lightness and the incredible speed with which they flap their wings. However, very seldom do we get this close to them. Watch as this kind-hearted gentleman notices a hummingbird trapped in his home, frantically trying to escape through the skylight. During his attempt to rescue it, the bird lays stunned, presumably in shock. However, much to the man's delight, it eventually stirs back to life after being held up to its nectar feeder.

So just what happened when the hummingbird froze, seemingly dead? Assuming it exhausted itself trying to escape through the skylight, it's very likely this little thing entered a state of torpor. According to Wild Birds Online, torpidity occurs due to hummingbirds' low energy reserves: because their metabolic rate is so high, these small birds enter a sleep-like state when faced with extreme conditions. During this hibernation, the hummingbird's heart rate and breathing drastically slows as a means of preserving energy. Therefore, it would appear that this particular hummer was regaining its strength through an exhaustion-induced state of torpidity.

We've got to admit: it's a little bit emotional listening to the man's shocked reaction when the hummingbird finally gets its energy back. Such a nice happy ending! Have you ever had a close encounter with a hummingbird? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below and make sure to share if you found this footage as sweet as we did.

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