This Little Girl Has A Dog That Would Put A Smile On Anyone's Face
April 27, 2015 #dog #family
By August West

Alida's just a little girl, but she and her friend Mr. Gibbs make a power pair, and their story is bringing smiles to people everywhere. She's just three years old, and even though she suffers from a rare lung disorder (Neuroendocrine Hyperplasia of Infancy), Mr. Gibbs has helped make Alida unstoppable. If you haven't figured it out by now, Mr. Gibbs is Alida's canine companion. He's a service dog, but he's so much more. He carries her oxygen for her, and he's there with her every step of the way. 

What do you think of Alida & Mr. Gibbs? Let us know in the comments below. Don't forget to share Alida's story with your friends on Facebook! We're sure that they'll love her as much as you did. 
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