Baby Elephant Rolls On Floor, But Herd Is Unphased
July 21, 2015 #nature
By Kathy Finney

In this darling video, an elephant calf flops down on the embankment and proceeds to roll and kick his legs. Whether the little baby had an itch or was just declaring that he was tired, the herd is unmoved. Like any mom who is used to her little ones dragging their feet or flopping down on the floor in protest, momma and the rest of the herd simply walk right past as if to say, "Okay, we'll be here when you're done."

 Like baby elephant, your little one may have a very valid reason for lagging behind or needing a break. Still, it can be hard for parents to know how to respond when they are balancing being calm and supportive with needing to get to a destination. Many parents strike a balance by allowing the child to have their moment, while continuing to go about their business- though perhaps at a slowed pace. Then, when the child is ready, he or she eagerly catches up. 

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